Additional Ventures is a nonprofit working to cure single ventricle heart disease through transformative research and strategic investments that revolutionize treatment and care.

Single ventricle heart disease affects 35 out of every 100,000 newborn children in the US. There’s been huge progress in treating single ventricle over the last 50 years, but to date, there is still no cure.

We’re confident that our grant programs, strategic partnerships across the scientific and clinical community, and innovative approaches to research funding will help us discover the answers needed to cure single ventricle.

Single Ventricle SOURCE

Learn more about our study of single ventricle patients and their families where we aim to understand more about the causes of single ventricle, develop better treatments, and discover cures.

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Our Research Roadmap

Our research roadmap explains Additional Ventures’ approach to single ventricle research by detailing our four scientific priorities: causes, outcomes, care, and cures.

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