Biomedical Research

Open Now! Single Ventricle Research Fund

September 26, 2024

The fifth cycle of the Single Ventricle Research Fund (SVRF) is now open!  SVRF 2025 is hosting an open call for up to three-year research projects with relevance to single ventricle biology.

The SVRF is an annual research award program that supports foundational research to improve our mechanistic understanding of single ventricle congenital heart disease through multi-year, high-impact grants. Eligible research teams may apply for up to $600,000 (independent track) or $300,000 (career development track) to support projects that may address any specific focus areas and areas of strategic investment represented in our Research Roadmap, including but not limited to:

  • Etiology & prediction
  • Computational modeling
  • Personalized medicine approaches
  • Placental and maternal health
  • Sequelae & mechanisms of outcomes

New to this year’s cycle, applicants may apply for either the Independent Investigator or Career Development tracks. The Independent Investigator Track is open both tenure and non-tenure track independent investigators including instructors, assistant professors and tenured faculty. The Career Development track is open to postdoctoral fellows or postdoc equivalents who hold mentored positions. Independent Investigator track applicants can apply for up to $600,000 in direct costs and Career Development track applicants may apply for up to $300,000 in direct costs.

Letters of intent for SVRF 2025 are due by November 21st, 2024.

Learn More and Apply