Biomedical Research

SVRF 2024 Award Announcements 

August 21, 2024 

We are thrilled to announce that 14 teams have been selected for funding in response to the 2024 Single Ventricle Research Fund (SVRF) request for proposals. Our flagship SVRF award program supports bold and innovative research that is solely focused on accelerating foundational research and improving care for those with single ventricle heart defects.  

In 2024, we hosted an open call and welcomed research efforts relevant to single ventricle heart disease and aligned with any specific focus areas and areas of strategic investment in the Additional Ventures Research Roadmap, including genetics, tissue engineering, computational modeling, immune functioning, and other relevant areas. 

The SVRF grants awards annually to support research projects over three-year periods and provides up to $600,000 in direct costs.  

Please join us in congratulating our selected 2024 awardees! 

SVRF 2024 Award Recipients

Primary Investigator Project Title Institution
Iki Adachi, MD Mechanically Assisted Establishment of Biventricular Physiology for Failing Fontan Circulation Baylor College of Medicine
Jennifer Conway, MD  Increasing Transplant Opportunities for Single Ventricle Patients: Creating the Universal Donor University of Alberta
Kevin Costa, PhD Functional micro-organ model of human heart tube development and single ventricle disease Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Gabriele Egidy-Assenza, MD, PhD  Longitudinal Evaluation and Assessment of Fontan Lymphatics Examining Tissue (LEAFLET) Study IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna
Sarah Henrickson, MD, PhD Early life hypoxia in patients with single ventricle heart disease impairs T cell function The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Kory Lavine, MD, PhD Cellular, Transcriptional, and Signaling Landscape of the Resilient and Failing Single Ventricle Washington University in St. Louis
Rachel Leon, MD, PhD Investigating a Placental Etiology of Single Ventricle Congenital Heart Disease in Humans using Advanced MRI and a Multiomics Approach The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Guang Li, PhD Unraveling the Function of TGFß in Myocardial and Valve Deficiency in Ebstein’s Anomaly University of Pittsburgh
Ellis Meng, PhD Non-contact flow sensors for pediatric vascular shunts University of Southern California
Daisuke Onohara, MD, PhD Hypoplastic left heart syndrome animal model with in-utero fetal lamb by mitral inflow obstruction Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Milica Radisic, PhD Structure-function relationship in vascularized left ventricle University Health Network
Andrew Spearman, MD Longitudinal analysis of single ventricle PAVM pathophysiology The Medical College of Wisconsin
Jason Tchieu, PhD Characterizing the dysregulation of human cardiac neural crest cells in single ventricle disease Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Mingtao Zhao, PhD, DVM Elucidating etiologies of HLHS and HRHS using patient-specific cardioids Nationwide Children’s Hospital